Knowledge in the Service of Africa!

Celebrating Nana Ahenfua Dankwa

Celebrating Nana Ahenfua Dankwa

Commending the exceptional leadership of Nana Ahenfua Dankwa, Head Girl of SOS-HGIC, who delivered a compelling speech at the Ghana Economic Forum in Accra. Her impassioned call for youth empowerment as a key to sustainable development resonated with all present.

“We, the youth, are not just the future; we are today’s leaders,” Nana asserted, advocating for the inclusion of young voices in national decision-making processes. Her vision for Ghana focuses on skills development, innovation, and strong institutions free from corruption, drawing inspiration from Singapore’s success story.

Let’s continue to rally behind and uplift our youth leaders who are paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future. Their dedication and vision are shaping our world, and it’s our responsibility to support them.